Sunday, April 8, 2018 - Update

I know I've written about already and I could go back and edit that post but I want to keep things the way they are. I want my readers to be able to see what I've said about the site and then know what had changed.

I've mentioned previously that Virily has gone down hill with many problems like the site being down a lot and posting is difficult.

I've been really frustrated with Virily previously because the admins are not replying emails, but it appears that the admin had heard us and responded to our requests/worries.

The site is back up and running smoothly!! Posting is very easy now and the bugs with posting quizzes and polls have been greatly reduced! The value of Virils (points) has also been increased slightly, which is good news!!

I'm so glad I decided to stick around Virily for long enough to see the changes and improvements and I am having a great time there now!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for the update! I've joined this site and earned my first withdraw in under a month!
